Wednesday, July 28, 2010


WOW so did not expect this to be so difficult... Even though I've only been committing to a few things at a time. I haven't even gotten to the tough stuff yet. I still feel like im putting a lot of pressure on myself trying to make sure I get to talk to someone every day and take a picture.

Now I know it's not an excuse but when ever I get a chance to call some one they are about to go to bed or they are asleep, the three hour difference is a beeitch. So I need to start getting in the habit of making morning calls. Boom!.. Just solved that one.

The daily picture, mrrraahhh, little bit more difficult seeing as the camera I have isn't working and even when it was the pictures were not uploading. So hopefully I'll be buying a new camera Friday and get the other pics from the last few weeks from Megs computer.

Boxing is a whole other story. The only place in Flagstaff is this little gym off Cedar, which if you don't know Flagstaff, it's pretty far from where I live. Also it cost $120 to start and then $75 a month after that. If I haven't mentioned it before I am an AmeriCorps member there for I am making less than minimum wage. Also I'm on spike 16 out of 30 days. Is it worth it?

I think that all my excuses are ridicules and I'm sure I could go on but it's something I really want to do. I think though I'm going to wait until I get back from my trip to Massachusetts. So no worries I'm not abandoning this one. This does however bring up a great point, consequences. I think it would be a good idea to have some consequences. Hmmmm.....

Oh well untill next time
Peace & love

1 comment:

  1. good luck, miss! one step at a time. :o) I seem to remember you teaching us boxing for PT ... even if you don't join a gym, you can still practice and work on technique, right? :o) hugs to you!
